Press release Saint Quentin en Yvelines, January 14th 2008
Domain names in .fr have strongly increased over the last few years. In October 2002 they had reached
100,000 domain names, in July 2006 they had reached 500,000 domains. Today in January 2008 they have
reached one million domain name after a 40% growth in 2007.
This success is owed notably to the suppling up of the .fr domain name registration procedures until the opening to
individuals in June 2006.
Miss Lucile Reynard is the happy holder of the millionth .fr domain
“” registered through the registrar
She has indicated to the AFNIC that she has registered this domain name for a
blog project that will emphasise on “Art Deco” designers. She has been
interrested in art, design, interior decoration and wishes to promote
these designers and their creations notably through podcast videos.
Contacts have been made with these persons not often represented in the
medias but that deserve to be known and recognized. Her choice of a .fr
domain name was because the designers presented on the website will
mainly be French ones.
Soon you will enjoy visiting!
The possibility for individuals to register .fr domain names is not the
only reason explaining the strong growth of .fr domains.
Very competitive rates and
automatic procedures allow fast
registrations and activations of the domain names.
The favored relationship between French internet users and the .fr
is due to its association to the French-speaking communities, the French
Internet community and proximity.
The .fr domain also remains more than ever the most intuitive domain
to find the website of a French company.
Further information
Report on .fr domain names image survey:
First report on the domain name market in France.
In November 2007, the AFNIC has published the first edition of
its report on the domain name market in France, carried through with
the National Institute of Telecommunications of Évry.
This document brings many keys on how to understand the whys and
wherefores of this market that knows high growth a great mutations.
You can download this document for free on the AFNIC’s website:
About the AFNIC
(Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération )
Non-profit organization, the AFNIC is in charge of the administrative and technical management of the .fr (France) and .re (Reunion Island) Internet domain names.
The AFNIC brings together public and private members: representatives from the French government, Internet users and Internet Service Providers (Registrars).
Further information.
About Afnic
Afnic is the acronym for Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération, the French Network Information Centre. The registry has been appointed by the French government to manage domain names under the .fr Top Level Domain. Afnic also manages the .re (Reunion Island), .pm (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon), .tf (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), .wf (Wallis and Futuna) and .yt (Mayotte) French Overseas TLDs.
In addition to managing French TLDs, Afnic’s role is part of a wider public interest mission, which is to contribute on a daily basis, thanks to the efforts of its teams and its members, to a secure and stable internet, open to innovation and in which the French internet community plays a leading role. As part of that mission, Afnic, a non-profit organization, has committed to devoting 11% of its Revenues from managing .fr Top Level Domain to actions of general interest, in particular by transferring €1.3 million each year to the Afnic Foundation for Digital Solidarity.
Afnic is also the back-end registry for the companies as well as local and regional authorities that have chosen to have their own TLD, such as .paris, .bzh, .alsace, .corsica, .mma, .ovh, .leclerc and .sncf.
Established in 1997 and based in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Afnic currently has nearly 90 employees.