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Camille Huré

Camille Huré


Operational Marketing Manager


Camille Huré joined Afnic in 2017 as Operational Marketing Manager. She is tasked with the coordination and promotion of Afnic products and services, both within its distribution network and to partners and final end customers (holders). She also works on a day-to-day basis on developing an independent and controlled online presence for VSEs/SMEs and 16 to 25-year-olds via the Réussir en .fr (“Succeed with .fr”) programme both online and on the ground. Camille holds a Master’s in Strategic Marketing and a specialised Master’s in Communication from NEOMA Business School. After starting out at an agency, she broadened her experience and consolidated her expertise working for major groups (Coca-Cola Entreprise, Citroën, La Poste).


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