The first ceremony of the “CENTR Awards 2013” was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 in Brussels during the 50th General Assembly of CENTR, the umbrella organization for European TLD registries.
The WINGS project, nominated in the “Research and Development” category, was presented with the award for the best R&D project of the year. Mohsen Souissi, Head of Afnic R&D, who was personally nominated in the “Contributor of the Year” category, was delighted:
“This is the result of several years of work by Afnic R&D.”
The WINGS project (“Widening Interoperability for Networking Global Supply Chains”) in which the Afnic R&D department has played an active role, is coordinated by GS1 and supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the Verso call for projects on the Internet of the future.The ambitious project aims to improve the interoperability of federated Object Name Services (ONS) and reliable interactions with “multi Discovery Services”.In 2012, the WINGS project contributed to the development of the new ONS 2.0 standard, based on the findings of its experimental work.The standard, which is now available to users, offers new opportunities for companies that develop services for connecting objects to the Internet.
This award represents a new step forward for Afnic and its research into the Internet of Things as part of the WINGS project, which is designed to help industry adopt the ONS.
About Afnic
Afnic is the acronym for Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération, the French Network Information Centre. The registry has been appointed by the French government to manage domain names under the .fr Top Level Domain. Afnic also manages the .re (Reunion Island), .pm (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon), .tf (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), .wf (Wallis and Futuna) and .yt (Mayotte) French Overseas TLDs.
In addition to managing French TLDs, Afnic’s role is part of a wider public interest mission, which is to contribute on a daily basis, thanks to the efforts of its teams and its members, to a secure and stable internet, open to innovation and in which the French internet community plays a leading role. As part of that mission, Afnic, a non-profit organization, has committed to devoting 11% of its Revenues from managing .fr Top Level Domain to actions of general interest, in particular by transferring €1.3 million each year to the Afnic Foundation for Digital Solidarity.
Afnic is also the back-end registry for the companies as well as local and regional authorities that have chosen to have their own TLD, such as .paris, .bzh, .alsace, .corsica, .mma, .ovh, .leclerc and .sncf.
Established in 1997 and based in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Afnic currently has nearly 90 employees.