Last week, Lise Fuhr and I had the great honor to be the recipients of the 2015 CENTR Contributor of the Year award, for our respective involvement in chairing the working groups that form the basis of the IANA Stewardship transition process. CENTR is the European ccTLD regional organization, assembling 57 members, and it was just a delightful and rewarding moment to be recognized by our peers, who have trusted us for the job and provide constant support.
It was also the opportunity to disclose what happens behind the scene of these working groups. In my acceptance speech I shared a personal perspective and experience, and stressed how support, recognition and teamwork were instrumental in keeping up with the latest challenges.
The award ceremony also required that we realize a short video to support our nomination. Lise and I chose to compile testimonies from our friends and colleagues, and this is the long version that demonstrates that you can work on Internet governance and keep a strong sense of humor. Thank you to all those contributors, I look forward to buying you drinks in Dublin!
The IANA Stewardship transition process is a journey, some would say a rough ride, but taking that road as a team makes it (sometimes) such an enjoyable experience. Now off to Dublin to transform this experience into a successful transition!