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Results of the 2023 Afnic customer satisfaction survey

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Each year, Afnic surveys the degree of satisfaction and the opinions of its distribution network as part of its process of continuous improvement and quest for operational excellence. In 2023, 95% of respondents said they were satisfied with the products and services offered by Afnic.

The survey, conducted by the MV2 institute between 17 April and 25 May 2023, revealed the following results:

  • 91% of registrars said they would recommend Afnic products and services
  • 92% of them agreed on the quality of the infrastructure encompassing all the technical services and registration interfaces provided
  • 95% of respondents remarked on the efficient handling of their requests and questions by Afnic’s customer service department
  • 92% said they were satisfied with the responses received as regards the handling of disputes between domain name holders and rights holders (Syreli, lifting of anonymity, alerts, etc.)

The registrars were also asked how they perceived Afnic. For them, Afnic is an effective professional body that listens to its customers and that can be trusted. On the social front, Afnic is recognised for its solidarity and its contribution to the digital transformation.

As for the competition, respondents were of the opinion that Afnic had better customer service and better price positioning (the score for both these items was up by three points on the previous year). Its ability to support them on a daily basis in developing their sales, in particular through its programme of commercial operations, was also praised.

About Afnic

Afnic is the acronym for Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération, the French Network Information Centre. The registry has been appointed by the French government to manage domain names under the .fr Top Level Domain. Afnic also manages the .re (Reunion Island), .pm (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon), .tf (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), .wf (Wallis and Futuna) and .yt (Mayotte) French Overseas TLDs.

In addition to managing French TLDs, Afnic’s role is part of a wider public interest mission, which is to contribute on a daily basis, thanks to the efforts of its teams and its members, to a secure and stable internet, open to innovation and in which the French internet community plays a leading role. As part of that mission, Afnic, a non-profit organization, has committed to devoting 11% of its Revenues from managing .fr Top Level Domain to actions of general interest, in particular by transferring €1.3 million each year to the Afnic Foundation for Digital Solidarity.
Afnic is also the back-end registry for the companies as well as local and regional authorities that have chosen to have their own TLD, such as .paris, .bzh, .alsace, .corsica, .mma, .ovh, .leclerc and .sncf.

Established in 1997 and based in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Afnic currently has nearly 90 employees.