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Training: Understanding and deploying IPv6

Home > Products and services > Training > Training: Understanding and deploying IPv6

The old version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4, has been such a success that we are now faced with a shortage of available addresses. This has the effect of heavily penalising new entrants as well as other players who no longer have enough IPv4 addresses. Maintaining IPv4 is also proving more and more costly for businesses.

It is therefore advisable to migrate to the new version of the protocol (IPv6) in order to manage a scalable and extensible pool of IP addresses.

Description and aims of the training course

This training course will enable you to:

  • Explain the importance of considering IPv6 when developing your IT network
  • Deploy an efficient technical and human organization to prepare your IPv6 transition
  • Coordinate the implementation of IPv6 in your company to support IT network growth


2 days

Target audience

System and network administrators, CIOs and deputy CIOs


  • Experience in one of the following business lines
  • Familiarity with the TCP/IPv4 protocol suite (the reminder of certain functional aspects of IPv4 will be solely for the purpose of comparison as a teaching aid)


Stéphane Bortzmeyer, Afnic DNS & IPv6 Expert

Training location

The training course is given online via our video conferencing tool.
The link to connect will be sent to you once your registration is finalized.


Practical exercises will be carried out throughout the course to help assimilate the methods and concepts presented.


€1,600 excl. tax per participant
If you wish to register several persons from your organisation, please contact us for a quotation.

DIRECCTE declaration number: 11788446878

Our experts can adapt to your needs and design a custom training course.

Contact us for a personalised quotation
  • Morning

    • Consequences of IPv4 address exhaustion
    • Understanding addressing in IPv6
      • Format of IPv6 addresses
      • Construction and distribution
      • Allocation mechanism
      • Role of internet registries
    • Understanding the IPv6 protocol
      • Format of packages
      • Fragmentation
    • Protocols associated with IPv6
      • Neighbour discovery
      • ICMPv6 control protocol
      • Distribution mechanism for DHCPv6 addresses


    • How the DNS publishes IPv6 addresses
    • Mechanisms for coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6 (and for transition to IPv6)
      • Analysis of the various modes of coexistence
      • Communication models, classification of mechanisms, deployment scenarios, corresponding transition tools
    • Challenges involved in migrating a network and a set of applications
    • Check list for a successful transition to IPv6

Upcoming training sessions

July 4 & 5, 2024

If anyone participating in the training course has a disability, please contact us on +33 (0)1 39 30 83 59 so we can make suitable arrangements.

Please contact us