With .FR Rush, Afnic provides registrars that operate a snapping activity with a dedicated EPP server to recover expired domain names.
An infrastructure to recover expired domain names
Expired domain names can be recovered after a 30-day Redemption Grace Period (during which the registered name holder of the domain name can restore the domain name registration).
The practice of monitoring and recovering domain names that fall into the public domain is known as snapping (also known as backorders or snapbacks). This practice is generally based on automatic registration procedures, which send large numbers of requests when a name is released and place high demand on the infrastructure. In order to enable snapping without disrupting other registrars, we opened a dedicated server in 2016 using clear and tailored rules: .FR Rush.
A service designed through consultation
.FR Rush has been approved by a working group composed of registrars and holders.
A flexible and transparent service
.FR Rush provides access to a dedicated server that only authorises ‘create’ and ‘check’ operations, with the possibility of multiple connections and an unlimited number of requests per connection (a 0.1 s. delay is applied between two operations).
A customised service with a clear framework and transparent rules (respect for the ‘first come, first served’ rule).
A management interface is available via the Registrar Extranet. You can also view the list of customers using the service and their number of active connections.