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Mediation Procedure

Afnic provides a mediation service to be used by anyone (natural or legal person) as an amicable means of resolving disputes between rights holders and holders of domain names under one of the TLDs managed by Afnic (.fr and French overseas TLDs1). Entirely free of charge, this procedure is made available on a voluntary basis ahead of an ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) procedure2 to facilitate the handling of disputes concerning domain names.

This form allows you to ask Afnic to appoint a mediator to handle the organisation of a mediation procedure for the dispute in question.

The mediation service aims to settle disputes between a rights holder and a domain name holder; if your status corresponds to either of these parties and you have reached a communication impasse, this procedure is for you.

Before proceeding with your request, we ask you to do the following:

In particular, if you are involved in a dispute with the registry responsible for your domain name, please contact the registry directly or contact our support service. For any other dispute, please refer to our report a domain name page in order to identify the appropriate point of contact.

Afnic’s actions

  • Afnic mediation procedure :

    • The request is submitted on the website
    • The mediator is then appointed in accordance with the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.
    • The mediator obtains the other Party’s consent.
    • Without the consent of the other Party, the mediation request is closed. It is subsequently possible to use the dispute resolution procedures (ADR).
    • If the other Party agrees to the mediation, a first meeting is set up and a solution must be found within 7 business days.
    • Beyond these 7 business days, if the Parties do not reach an agreement, the mediation is brought to an end. It is subsequently possible to use the dispute resolution procedures (ADR).
    • Beyond these 7 business days, if the Parties do not reach an agreement, there are 3 possible solutions:
      • deletion of the domain name
      • transfer of the domain name
      • a solution not entailing any operation on the domain name
    • In the case of deletion or transfer of the domain name, the report is signed by both Parties before implementation of the solution identified by Afnic, bringing an end to the mediation.
    • In the case of a solution not entailing any operation on the domain name, the Afnic mediator notifies the Parties of a report, bringing an end to the mediation.

Request the assistance of an Afnic mediator free of charge

    Information concerning the applicant

    Information concerning the applicant’s representative (optional)

    (Complete only if the right holder mandates a third party to make this request to Afnic)

    I mandate a third party to make this request to Afnic

    Presentation of the other Party to the dispute

    Reason for the request

    Your commitments as applicant

    If the mediation procedure is opened, the applicant, the other party to the procedure and their representatives, the Mediator and Afnic are bound by strict confidentiality on all matters concerning the mediation; no observation, statement or proposal, made before of by the Mediator, and no document produced in the course of the mediation, may be subsequently used, even before the courts, without the formal agreement of the Parties, the Mediator and Afnic.

    Information on the processing of your personal data & the exercise of your personal rights

    Mandatory information that must be provided is indicated with an asterisk. If the information marked by an asterisk is not provided, your request will not be taken into account.

    The information collected, required for the provision of the Afnic mediation service, is subject to computer processing by Afnic, the data controller, in order to manage the mediation service. The legal basis for processing is the performance of a public service (Article 6–1. e of the GDPR), in this case the agreement between the State and Afnic signed on 18 March 2022, Article L45-2 of the CPCE, the Naming Policy and the Regulations.

    The data recipients are the mediator, the Afnic legal department, the service provider hosting the website and the registrar(s) impacted by the implementation of the negotiated solution.

    Your identifying information as well as the exchanges and attachments relating to the handling of your request are destroyed after two months as of the date of implementation of the negotiated solution.

    You have personal rights (of access to and rectification and erasure of the data, the right to restrict their processing, the right to lodge a complaint with a controlling authority and the right to lay down guidelines relating to the retention, erasure and communication of your personal data in the event of your death) which you can exercise by contacting the Afnic DPO at

    For more information on this processing, please see the description on the page: Your data

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