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Afnic has moved!


It may have taken two years, but Afnic is now fully moved in to its new offices! Two years isn’t really that long… In that time our association has changed status as tenant in its old building, “Le Stephenson”, to property owner.

What a long way we’ve come for an association that certainly excels in technological expertise, but which had, up until now, never carried out an HR and real estate project of this scope. Finding a building, acquiring it and fitting it out… That has been the shared adventure now opening up new horizons for us. An adventure led by a project team backed by volunteers from each department who ensured that the relocation went smoothly. An adventure that has taken Afnic to a whole new level.

90 employees participating in an unprecedented collective adventure

Afnic has 90 employees all working in a wide variety of jobs. The association is an “SME” with a family emphasis, but also a technological flagship with requirements of excellence set at towering heights in terms of security, standards and transparency. In other words, an additional challenge for a relocation project. And a challenge met by a dedicated and focused team who worked hard over many months.

A quality working environment for a leading digital common good

On Monday 26 February, we moved to Av. du 8 mai 1945. Afnic now owns its own building in Guyancourt. A modern and spacious building adapted to new ways of working, which include a 4-day week and the possibility of home office working on certain days for Afnic employees. Their jobs also take them across France and sometimes internationally. But at the same time they share a deep commitment to a collaborative culture, and now have group work spaces within their new workplace.

Afnic Internet Made in France. Ici on fabrique le fr?
Afnic offices on 8 mai 1945 avenue in Guyancourt in the Yvelines French department.

A space open to a gigantic ecosystem of digital excellence

Our new building will also be open to the world. Now that it has more space, Afnic will be able to invite its members, its international contacts and all the organisations and many businesses within the French digital ecosystem to its offices. Just like in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, at Guyancourt Afnic will continue to be located within the same site of academic and technological excellence where it has thrived for the past 23 years and which it will continue to inspire. Over the next few weeks, “Open Days” will provide an opportunity, for those who wish, to come discover the home of the .fr TLD, where we are shaping a safe, stable and trustworthy domain.