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On the old continent, the noise about abc.xyz somehow seems typically American, most people being inclined to find the buzz about new TLDs a little foreign. They should think again. While there has been no Google-style revolution, the change is coming, slowly but surely.
Geographic TLDs are making lasting market inroads. The .paris geoTLD has just passed the 20,000 domain name mark, the .bzh has passed the 5,000 milestone and .alsace has just launched. All of these namespaces are building solid foundations, many local sites having included their geoTLD and in some cases adopting it altogether. This is particularly true of the Brittany Regional Council, which now communicates via www.bretagne.bzh.
In corporate terms, French companies are among the top players worldwide to display sites with their own TLD, including the AXA insurance company (https://www.newstoprotect.axa), and the BNP Paribas bank (https://mabanque.bnpparibas, http://www.innovandconnect.bnpparibas). Initiatives such as these are to be hailed because they are leading the pack[1], and are even staying ahead of Google, which has yet to publish anything under its .google namespace.
Both of the French companies refer in their baseline to the need to face a “changing world”. Right or wrong, they’ve quickly adapted to the changing world of domain names.
- abc.xyz: Why not alphabet.com? (The conspiracy theory version)
- abc.xyz : The controversial success of .xyz
- abc.xyz : Why not alphabet.com ?
- alphabet.xyz : How Alphabet got its domain name
- abc.xyz : Don’t worry, we’re still getting used to the name too!
[1] To date, Google have only posted a simple parody site of themselves (com.google), with everything back to front. Quite an April Fool gag until a major security hole was found in it… http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/19/google_broke_own_security_with_april_fool_gag