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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

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"Domain name" form: Two procedures soon removed

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Update of the AFNIC Whois database

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Mr. Laurent N., EuroDNS vs AFNIC - Summary judgment (Versailles Court of Justice, Dec. 14 2004)

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Liberalization of .fr and .re domain name registrations: studying opening to individuals

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Mr. Laurent N., EuroDNS vs AFNIC - Provisional order (Versailles Court of Justice, Nov. 9 2004)

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AFNIC is the new registry for .tf

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Further information about Mr. Laurent N.'s domain names blocking

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Decision of the board of directors regarding the blocking of domain names

On October 21, 2004, the AFNIC's board of directors discussed the matter of Mr. Laurent N., acting...

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Operational details - Liberalization of .fr and .re domain names on the 11th May 2004 (updated announce)

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Operational details - Liberalization of .fr and .re domain names on the 11th May 2004 (former announce)

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AFNIC will modify some of its procedure before the liberalization of .fr and .re TLDs

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Liberalization of .fr and .re domain name registrations from 11th May 2004

Anyone listed on official on-line databases will be able to register the domain name of one's choic...

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IPv6 fully integrated in the Production System of AFNIC from October, the 1st 2003

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ICANN Names Competitive Domain-Name Registrars for .com, .net and .org