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Expert papers

Through its members, team and partners, Afnic brings together personalities with a perceptive and sometimes offbeat view of current events on the internet, domain names and, of course, Afnic itself. With this blog, we aim to share with you a freer and more personal, but still expert and professional expression of views on topical matters.

grande distribution robot

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (4/5): personalising the user experience and creating proximity

The large-scale retailing sector is undergoing a major transformation ...

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (4/5): personalising the user experience and creating proximity
brandTLD et grande distribution

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (3/5): making your e-services stand out

A brand TLD is a powerful tool to help brands enhance their digital ...

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (3/5): making your e-services stand out

Tests to ensure high quality

Afnic has a Testing Department which industrialises testing. ...

Tests to ensure high quality

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (2/5): giving more weight to your CSR strategy

Large-scale retailing is a sector that has experienced profound ...

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (2/5): giving more weight to your CSR strategy
Sylvie Lacep

I changed job at the age of 59 thanks to the MVS scheme

As a woman, being of advanced age and at the end of your career ...

I changed job at the age of 59 thanks to the MVS scheme
grande distribution

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (1/5): promoting your marketplace and its partnerships

A powerful differentiator, the use of brandTLDs remains far ...

Dot brand and large-scale retailing (1/5): promoting your marketplace and its partnerships

Experience sharing in Paris at the CENTR R&D and Tech workshops

On 12 and 13 October 2023, Afnic hosted the meetings of the “R&D” ...

Experience sharing in Paris at the CENTR R&D and Tech workshops
www .com .net

.COM – update on the first half of 2023

This article gives an analysis of the .COM TLD based on data transmitted ...

.COM – update on the first half of 2023
rencontres juridiques

Afnic Legal Meetings 2023: the essentials of the meetings

The 2023 edition of the Legal Meetings was held on the morning ...

Afnic Legal Meetings 2023: the essentials of the meetings

The importance of HTTP persistent connections (for RDAP, for example)

The importance of HTTP persistent connections (for RDAP, for example)
david chansard

David Chansard, Afnic Customer Service Representative, interviews himself

David Chansard is one of our support and customer advisors. ...

David Chansard, Afnic Customer Service Representative, interviews himself
Formation : gérer et sécuriser un portefeuille de noms de domaine Grands Comptes

Managing a domain name portfolio for Key Accounts: challenges, roles, good practices

These days, organisations with the largest domain name portfolios ...

Managing a domain name portfolio for Key Accounts: challenges, roles, good practices
Abandon nom de domaine

“No” to abandoning domain names!

A .fr domain name is abandoned every minuteSummer’s here, ...

“No” to abandoning domain names!
www .com .net

.COM and .NET: situation update

This latest article follows on from the publication in autumn ...

.COM and .NET: situation update

Foster dialogue, put forward proposals, create and convey a vision of an Internet that benefits everyone

A non-profit organisation, Afnic builds on its association-based ...

Foster dialogue, put forward proposals, create and convey a vision of an Internet that benefits ... a strategic naming underpinning a high-added-value CRM approach

The leading mutual insurance group in France, MMA is one of 496 ... a strategic naming underpinning a high-added-value CRM approach

SPF, DKIM and DMARC: what’s the situation with the .fr TLD?

Email is one of the oldest internet applications. It was conceived ...

SPF, DKIM and DMARC: what’s the situation with the .fr TLD?

Adopting DNSSEC is never too late

DNSSEC is an old technology, the current version having been ...

Adopting DNSSEC is never too late
IoT privacy: mid-term progress report on the PIVOT project and Afnic’s work

IoT privacy: mid-term progress report on the PIVOT project and Afnic’s work

As a back-end registry operator and stakeholder in Research ...

IoT privacy: mid-term progress report on the PIVOT project and Afnic’s work
FGI France

An Internet still under construction: back to the French Internet Governance Forum 2022

The 2022 edition of the French Internet Governance Forum (IGF ...

An Internet still under construction: back to the French Internet Governance Forum 2022

ICANN: its life and work (part 6): The Supporting Organizations: focus on the ccNSO

Created in 1998 by the Clinton Administration to ensure the ...

ICANN: its life and work (part 6): The Supporting Organizations: focus on the ccNSO
Brand TLD experience client

.brand: a non-negligible asset in the customer experience

The notion of customer experience is a broad concept that encompasses ...

.brand: a non-negligible asset in the customer experience
IGF 2022

Internet Governance Forum Ethiopia 2022: towards greater resilience in times of crisis

The seventeenth edition of the annual Internet Governance ...

Internet Governance Forum Ethiopia 2022: towards greater resilience in times of crisis
API du .fr

Using the .fr API with Elixir (4/4)

We’ve presented the general workings of the .fr API and we’ve ...

Using the .fr API with Elixir (4/4)