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Expert papers

Through its members, team and partners, Afnic brings together personalities with a perceptive and sometimes offbeat view of current events on the internet, domain names and, of course, Afnic itself. With this blog, we aim to share with you a freer and more personal, but still expert and professional expression of views on topical matters.

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Identity theft by domain name: what Afnic does

Time goes by peacefully when suddenly you are accused of every evil or almost all, and simply becaus...

Identity theft by domain name: what Afnic does
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Cybersquatting, Spam, Phishing… the different types of domain name abuses

The term "abusive use" is difficult to define. For example, the owner of a trademark will tend to ca...

Cybersquatting, Spam, Phishing… the different types of domain name abuses
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[Video] Review of the French Internet Governance Forum 2018

Following the French Internet Governance Forum (IGF France) that took place on 5 July 2018 in Paris,...

[Video] Review of the French Internet Governance Forum 2018
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Custom Internet extensions: the opportunities for brands

On June 19, Afnic organized its first working breakfast on the theme of brandTLDs....

Custom Internet extensions: the opportunities for brands
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How to avoid inadmissibility in the SYRELI procedure

To date, out of all the files declared complete at the time when proceedings were initiated only...

How to avoid inadmissibility in the SYRELI procedure
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Which English terms are most used in .FR domain names?

In order to find simple, short, evocative, memorable, intuitive domain names, etc., .FR holders ofte...

Which English terms are most used in .FR domain names?
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Domain name security, the example of cryptocurrencies

A study of three hijackings of domain names in the last six months, in the world of cryptocurrencies...

Domain name security, the example of cryptocurrencies

Personality test: Are you ready for GDPR?

To celebrate Data Privacy Day on January 28, 2018...

Personality test: Are you ready for GDPR?
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Do GeoTLDs like .alsace have an effect on local SEO?

Do the new gTLDs perform well in Google? Do GeoTLDs like .alsace have an SEO effect locally?...

Do GeoTLDs like .alsace have an effect on local SEO?
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What are the terms most used in .fr domain names?

We have conducted a survey of the .fr database to identify the terms most used by the registrants....

What are the terms most used in .fr domain names?
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The 11 vital locations to display your domain name!

So you’ve just finished your company's website with the ideal domain name.

The 11 vital locations to display your domain name!
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What means of action for a Right-holder ineligible under the Naming Policy?

First of all, it should be recalled that the registration or renewal of a domain name under the .fr...

What means of action for a Right-holder ineligible under the Naming Policy?
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Domain name litigation: the recognition of an AOC rights in the SYRELI procedure

Although it has been in operation for nearly six years, the Afnic SYRELI College has just been confr...

Domain name litigation: the recognition of an AOC rights in the SYRELI procedure
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Why choose a domain name under a geoTLD?

Cédric Michel-Flandin, gTLD key account manager at Afnic goes over his interviews of two project spo...

Why choose a domain name under a geoTLD?
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Afnic, a community first and foremost!

After a little less than 12 years at Afnic, as my term of office comes to an end, I can say without...

Afnic, a community first and foremost!
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The defense of personality rights in the SYRELI procedure

Law No. 2011-302 of 22 March 2011 provides in Article 19 that any person demonstrating a right to br...

The defense of personality rights in the SYRELI procedure
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When will the next round of the new gTLDs take place?

At the latest ICANN meeting in Copenhagen early this March, the issue was at the center of attention...

When will the next round of the new gTLDs take place?
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A million good reasons for coming to the Afnic Forum...

Let's go back 2 years: the Afnic Forum had yet to exist. We had the "Registrar Day", a day specially...

A million good reasons for coming to the Afnic Forum...
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Yeti DNS-over-TLS public resolver

There is a new DNS-over-TLS public DNS resolver, and it uses the Yeti root. You want explanations? Y...

Yeti DNS-over-TLS public resolver
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2016, the beginning of a new cycle for Afnic

After confirming the relevance of its model as a multi-registry operator in 2015, Afnic undertook a...

2016, the beginning of a new cycle for Afnic
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.fr has just passed the 3 million domain names milestone

This new milestone for Afnic and the .fr namespace would not have been possible without the action a...

.fr has just passed the 3 million domain names milestone
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My experience inside the Afnic Legal Department

A page is now turning in my life, one that seems important today, but no doubt in a few years will l...

My experience inside the Afnic Legal Department
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Future of ICANN Privatization? Internationalization? Supervision?

On Tuesday 21 of June 2016, I was on the French « Sénat[1] » along with Mathieu Weill and other emin...

Future of ICANN Privatization? Internationalization? Supervision?
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Excellence at Afnic - Our coming-out

Today we are publishing a page on excellence at Afnic. At last! It is not really a "coming out" as...

Excellence at Afnic - Our coming-out