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Expert papers

Through its members, team and partners, Afnic brings together personalities with a perceptive and sometimes offbeat view of current events on the internet, domain names and, of course, Afnic itself. With this blog, we aim to share with you a freer and more personal, but still expert and professional expression of views on topical matters.

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Exclusive offer: 100% money back on your domain name*!

If you’re reading this, it means my message has got through. If it worked with you, it will work wit...

Exclusive offer: 100% money back on your domain name*!
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Speech at the transmittal of the IANA Stewardship Transition Plan

Almost exactly two years ago, the US administration announced its intent to let expire its contract...

Speech at the transmittal of the IANA Stewardship Transition Plan
Choisir un nom de domaine

8 tips for choosing the right domain name

The basic question is: what is a simple domain name?

8 tips for choosing the right domain name
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IPv6 and DNSSEC are respectively 20 and 19 years old. Same fight and challenges?

IPv6 and DNSSEC are respectively 20 and 19 years old. Their backgrounds, obstacles and outlooks make...

IPv6 and DNSSEC are respectively 20 and 19 years old. Same fight and challenges?
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L.45-2 paragraph 1 of the CPCE: When a domain name disrupts the French law

Since the French law of 22 March 2011, and in particular under the provisions of Article L.45-6 of t...

L.45-2 paragraph 1 of the CPCE: When a domain name disrupts the French law
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How to avoid getting your domain name stolen by email?

In early November, alerts from Registrar on the social networks and their own sites were repeated. T...

How to avoid getting your domain name stolen by email?
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Accountability and IANA transition: behind the scenes

Last week, Lise Fuhr and I had the great honor to be the recipients of the 2015 CENTR Contributor of...

Accountability and IANA transition: behind the scenes
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Stop selling domain names!

It may seem insane and out of place to say that, but I’m saying it all the same!...

Stop selling domain names!
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We all have to get used to the new TLDs – including me, given the mistake I made in a previous post.... :
Header par default défaut : Meanwhile, back in France…

On the old continent, the noise about somehow seems typically American, most people being in... : Meanwhile, back in France…
Header par default défaut Why not (The conspiracy theory version)

For the record, belongs to a subsidiary of BMW[1], which specializes in long-term vehic... Why not (The conspiracy theory version)
Header par default défaut : The controversial success of .xyz

Nobody can deny that the new domain name of is the best ad possible for the .xyz TLD.... : The controversial success of .xyz
Header par default défaut : Why not ?

One of my favorite reactions to this news item can be seen in a headline of the Les Echos website: G... : Why not ?
Header par default défaut : How Alphabet got its domain name

Behind the headlines that hit the front page of every media, there is often a more personal story, t... : How Alphabet got its domain name
Header par default défaut : Don't worry, we're still getting used to the name too!

When Larry page announced the newly founded Alphabet a week ago[1], the first thing the domain name... : Don't worry, we're still getting used to the name too!
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Corporate Communications, Constant Crisis

Business organizations increasingly have to interact with the social media. From simple questions to...

Corporate Communications, Constant Crisis
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A comprehensive approach to French regional branding

Regional brands are now part and parcel of the French political landscape. But how do they integrate...

A comprehensive approach to French regional branding
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IANA transition crosses a major milestone in Buenos Aires

The transition plan for domain names provides for making the department in charge of the root zone m...

IANA transition crosses a major milestone in Buenos Aires
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A day in the life of the Icann empowered community

A couple of short stories to illustrate the accountability enhancements.

A day in the life of the Icann empowered community
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IANA transition : the machine is moving, but the deadline is approaching

The transition of the role of the US government in the stewardship of Internet technical resources h...

IANA transition : the machine is moving, but the deadline is approaching
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China Changing in Leaps and Bounds

In order to enrich my viewpoint as a communicator, in late March I went on a study tour organized by...

China Changing in Leaps and Bounds
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Towards a less intrusive DNS

Afnic is working, among others, with the Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries (C...

Towards a less intrusive DNS
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ICANN: what does accountability stand for?

The purpose of governance and accountability remains poorly understood by Icann’s stakeholders....

ICANN: what does accountability stand for?
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ICANN Singapore. A debate at the other end of the world

The fifty-second meeting of ICANN is being held in Singapore from 9 to 12 February....

ICANN Singapore. A debate at the other end of the world