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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

bilan carbone .fr


Afnic targets carbon neutrality for .fr and its activities

The Afnic 2021 greenhouse gas emissions assessment stood at ...



Godefroy Beauvallet re-elected Chair of the Afnic Board of Trustees

The Afnic Board of Trustees welcomed two new elected trustees ...

CCUBE Agenda


New members on the Afnic Board of Trustees

The Afnic Ordinary General Meeting of 10 June 2022 renewed ...

Podcasts Connecte Ta boite


“Connecte ta boîte : ils l’ont fait”: the Ré podcasts are back for a season ...

Produced by Ré (“Succeed with .fr”) and derived ...

lucile ravasse


Lucile Ravasse appointed Afnic Communications Director

Lucile Ravasse has joined the Association’s Management ...

tout savoir sur le .fr


The State and Afnic sign a new Agreement for management of the .fr domain

The new Agreement between the State and Afnic comes into force ...

formation DNS


Afnic launches a training course dedicated to securing electronic messaging by the DNS

A new addition to the catalogue, this course is dedicated to ...

Réussir en .fr


Ré gets a revamp and unveils its all-new Web interface

Launched by Afnic to support VSEs/SMEs and young people aged ...

tout savoir sur le .fr


The .fr TLD presents its review, with growth of +6% in 2021

Today Afnic is publishing the 2021 edition of the .fr review ...

égalité homme femme


Afnic scores 98/100 on the Gender Equality Index

Up from 86 points out of 100 in 2019 and 95/100 in 2020, the Afnic ...



Afnic partners with Cyber Campus

Afnic joins Cyber Campus in promoting awareness of security issues.

Fondation Afnic


Afnic Foundation supporting nationwide roll-out of digital solidarity initiatives with a new ...

The Afnic Foundation launched the experimental “CEI” project in 2020

Zonemaster afnic


Zonemaster release information

Afnic and the Swedish Internet Foundation are pleased to announce a new release of Zonemaster....

Connecte ta boite saison 2


Afnic strengthens its partnership for Season 2 of Connecte Ta Boite

After sponsoring Season 1, Afnic becomes co-producer with ...

RAWL 2021


2021 edition of the Afnic study on the online presence of French micro-enterprises and VSEs/SMEs

The new edition of the ‘Réussir avec le web’ (‘Succeed ...

Logo id4me


Afnic joins ID4me

Afnic’s goal in joining ID4me is to provide a solution for .fr domain name holders by becoming a dig...

header fondation afnic


The Afnic Foundation supports 92 winners with a total budget of over 1.3 million euros

The Afnic Foundation for Digital Solidarity has selected 92 ...



Afnic partners with Digischool to raise young people’s awareness of their online presence

Afnic is joining forces with Digischool as part of its Réussir ...

tendances parl


Afnic Guide to ADR Trends 2021

Afnic publishes the 2021 edition of “ADR Trends”, a complete ...

tout savoir sur le .fr


Afnic renewed as registry for .fr

Afnic is proud to have been reappointed as the registry of .fr ...



JCSA21: A look back at the 2021 Afnic Scientific Council Open Day

A look back (in video format) at the tenth edition of the Afnic ...

tout savoir sur le .fr


Changes to the registration rules for the .fr TLD and application of the DDADUE Law

As of 15 September 2021, the registration of domain names ending ...

35 ans du .fr


.FR celebrates its 35th anniversary

.FR, the French top level domain operated by Afnic celebrates ...

Rapport Activité 2020


Digital transition: Afnic and the .fr TLD working alongside VSEs/SMEs

Afnic is publishing its activity report for 2020, a year marked ...