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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

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France catching up on GeoTLDs

State of play on the .bzh, .corsica, .alsace and .paris GeoTLDs.

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Thanks to its sustained growth, the .fr TLD continued to gain market share in France in 2018

With more than 3.3 million .fr domain names registered at the end of 2018, i.e. a growth rate of 4.4...

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Back to the campaign of attacks on domain names

Afnic puts the chronology and impact of a campaign of attacks against domain names back into perspec...

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Afnic and the INPI announce their partnership at the Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs

A logical alliance for both institutions, serving French entrepreneurs, raising their awareness on t...

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Afnic present at the Paris Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs

6-7 February 2019 at the Palais des Congrès Booth #417 - Village 4 "Small Business Tech"_x00...

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Afnic via Réussir avec le Web portrays the online presence of French VSEs / SMEs

How do VSEs/SMes assess their online presence? How much do they invest? What are the perceived benef...

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Afnic launches the first edition of its "Coaching Days'

This call for proposals is designed to let an organization win customized support from Afnic Conseil...

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Réussir en .fr advises and accompanies entrepreneurs at the Nantes Pays de la Loire Trade Fair

Business starters, freelancers, startups, managers of VSBs / SMEs, transferees... all will benefit f...

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Afnic launches a contest for "Réussir avec le web"

Entrepreneurs, you have until October 21 to win a personalized support!

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SME Trade Fare : Free evaluation of your online presence and win a personalized support

Réussir en .fr invites you in Paris on 1 & 2 October to help you boost your online presence with fr...

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JCSA18: More details on the 2018 edition of the Afnic Scientific Council Day

Video review of the 2018 edition of the Afnic Scientific Council Day

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Agence France Entrepreneur, official partner of Réussir en .fr!

Agence France Entrepreneur (AFE) has joined the ranks of partners of the platform created by Afnic t...

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Afnic reinforces its Executive Committee

Afnic announces the nomination of two new directors within its Executive Committee....

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Re-appropriate your brand on the internet with a Brand TLD

With the next ICANN* call for applications in sight for 2021, Afnic explains in a new white paper th...

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New major Zonemaster release

Afnic and IIS release a new major release of Zonemaster, the DNS zone validation tool which aims imp...

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Issue Paper: DNS, The Namig Solution for IoT

This publication reviews Afnic's position on the use of the DNS to solve the problems posed by the h...

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Afnic Study: The Global Domain Name Market in 2017

Afnic has published its 2017 study on the global domain name market, based on ICANN statistics, regi...

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Afnic Annual Report 2017 "Collectively creating the future of domain names"

Afnic has published its annual report for 2017, underlining the wealth of events involving the assoc...

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97% of Afnic customers are satisfied

Afnic communictaes the results of its 2017 customer survey revealing that 97% of its registrars are...

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Elections to the Afnic Board of Trustees

At the Annual General Meeting of Afnic which was held this morning, the terms of office of some of t...

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Réussir en .fr advises and assists entrepreneurs in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

Business starters, transferees, start-ups, managers of VSBs / SMEs will benefit from the advice of ....

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Afnic reveals the theme of #JCSA18: Human Rights and Protocols

How can the technical architecture of the Internet have an impact on human rights? Monday, July 9 -...

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Afnic Forum 2018: taking up tomorrow's digital challenges!

THE annual meeting of all French internet players will be held on Thursday 17 May 2018 at the Cité...

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GDPR Impacts in your relations with your Registrar, Afnic answers your questions

Afnic summarizes all the questions received as part of the implementation of the GDPR, and gives all...