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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

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Is there an alternative to the DNS?

Afnic publishes an issue paper on alternative naming systems to the DNS.

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Afnic rewarded for its quality management approach initiated since 2008

Afnic was awarded its EFQM® Recognized for Excellence (R4E) certification at 4 star-level by Mr Par...

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99% of Registrars are satisfied with Afnic Services

Afnic has disclosed the results of its annual survey on the quality of its services....

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How to assess the registrar network performance?

The June 2015 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names proposes indicators to measure re...

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Afnic 2014 Annual Report: Openness, Competitiveness, Accountability

Afnic’s annual general meeting was held on June 12, 2015. On the same occasion, the association pu...

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The .fr TLD at the Lyon Rhône-Alpes Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs on 2 and 3 June 2015

At the 2015 Lyon Rhône-Alpes Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs, Afnic and two .fr registrars will be adv...

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June 2, 2015: An Inclusive Internet Workshop during the Internet Governance Forum

Afnic and the Internet Society France are to co-host a workshop on June 2, 2015 on inclusive Interne...

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The domain name market: 2017, year of consolidation?

The May 2015 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names sets out a projection of the domai...

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Afnic Scientific Council Open Day set for Thursday 9 July 2015!

Afnic publishes the program for its 5th Scientific Council Open Day.

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17 May 2015: World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD 2015)

A day to stimulate reflections and exchange ideas on Internet and Information and communication tech...

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Afnic takes part in the development of the Transition Numérique Plus association

At its General Assembly in late March 2015, the Transition Numérique Plus association appointed Jul...

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The .fr partners with "the Open of Web" on May 7, 2015

The .fr Internet Top Level Domain believes in individual success and supports "the Open of Web" tale...

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New gTLDs accounted for 21% of the net growth of the domain name market in 2014

The April 2015 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names provides an overview of the doma...

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April 7, 2015: Opening of the .alsace geoTLD: the point is you!

As of April 7, 2015, the ".alsace" geoTLD will be accessible to all on the Internet....

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The .fr TLD: a love story that now lasts several years

Since March 30, 2015, Afnic has offered the registration of domain names with the .fr TLD for period...

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Opening of 1 & 2 character(s) in .fr: 311 domains made available on 03/11

During the landrush phase of the opening of registrations for domain names under .fr with 1 & 2 char...

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Opening of 1 & 2 character(s) under .fr : Last week of Landrush

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ADR trends, the results of Afnic resolution procedures - Q1 2015

Afnic now publishes a quarterly review of its alternative dispute resolution procedures. Here is an...

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.fr Lock by Afnic : the solution to protect strategic domain names

As of February 24, 2015, Afnic is upgrading its offer with a new service for locking .fr domain name...

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2014, "Year Zero" for nTLDs

The February 2015 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names reviews the launch of the new...

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Registry Analytics by Afnic: the solution for managing your registry business

Afnic has further expanded its service offering for domain name operators and registries with a tool...

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Short .fr domain names : Phase 2, opening to the general public on 02/16/2015

On February 16, 2015, Afnic is extending the registration of domain names under the .fr TLD consisti...

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Abuse Report by Afnic: The solution supervising for abusive registrations

As of February 5, 2015, Afnic is upgrading its services for operators and domain name registries by...

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Afnic and .SE release Zonemaster – new key tool improving Internet resilience