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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

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The .fr TLD to attend the Paris Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs 2015

At the ParisTrade Fair for Entrepreneurs 2015, the registry for the .fr TLD and two of its registrar...

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.fr in 2014: relative performance always above the market

The January 2015 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names reviews the developments in th...

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.paris, mainly French

The December 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names focuses on the launch of .par...

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Multiple vulnerabilities in several DNS products

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The opening of the .paris and .bzh TLDs is also a success for Afnic

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.bzh: general opening on December 4th 2014

Websites, blogs, e-mail addresses: let’s communicate using .bzh!

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Afnic consolidates its consultancy and expertise offering

On December 1, 2014, Afnic expands its Internet & domain name consultancy and expertise activities....

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New registration rules as of December 8, 2014

Afnic has published the new naming policy for domain names under the .fr, .pm, .re, .tf, .wf and .yt...

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2014: deployment of IPv6 in France still progressing slowly

The November 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names focuses on the deployment of...

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Afnic at the 4th International Domain Name Conference on Nov. 19th and 20th

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Welcome to Afnic, Secretary of State Lemaire!

On 6 November 2014, French Secretary of State Axelle Lemaire reasserted her commitment to the .fr TL...

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New Top Level Domains: generic TLDs impacted

The October 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names focuses on the impact of the...

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The Internet in ten years' time: Consensus and divergence within the Community

Afnic publishes the results of its 3rd Technology Backdrop Survey (2014).

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Afnic takes action to make sports accessible to all

On 7 October 2014, two Afnic teams took part in the 6th Inter-company Relay Race organized by Specia...

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Afnic Publishes its 2013 Annual Report

The Afnic annual report sheds new light on major events that have marked the development of the Asso...

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Opening of .fr for the registration of domain names with 1 or 2 character(s)

As of December 9, 2014, it will be possible to register a domain number consisting of only one or tw...

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Already more than 50,000 domain names for the .ovh gTLD!

The .ovh gTLD, whose technical management is entrusted to Afnic, is the new gTLD on offer from OVH,...

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Afnic supports customers backing new gTLD projects

On 23 September 2014, Afnic invited all of its business customers, brand managers and registries inv...

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09/25/14 - The .fr TLD is backing digital France

"Help youngsters and entrepreneurs succeed with the .fr TLD!" is the corporate creed for the new cam...

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Afnic and .fr meet entrepreneurs at the Micro-Enterprise Trade Fair

Afnic at the Micro-Enterprise Trade Fair from 30 September to 2 October 2014 to advise entrepreneurs...

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The Internet Resilience Observatory in France publishes its report for 2013

Report by the Internet Resilience Observatory in France, written by the French National Agency for t...

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The new Top Level Domains are shaking the main established registrars

The September 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names, shows that some of the main...

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.paris registrations are now open

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Afnic launches a sustainable development initiative

Afnic's carbon audit overview for 2012