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Find all of the latest information on Afnic and the internet made in France on our news feed: updates from the association, our activities, our offerings, our publications, our actions in the field, the internet in France and worldwide, the naming system and domain names, etc.

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Focus on the use of domain names in France

The July 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names, in conjunction with the National...

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The .bzh GeoTLD is On-Line!

The GeoTLD for Brittany will be deployed from June to December

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Review of the 2014 Registrar Day

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New TLDs and the 50/50 law

The June 2014 AFNIC Industry Report on Domain Names focuses on verifying the 50/50 law using example...

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Afnic to attend ICANN 50 in London on June 22 to 26, 2014

ICANN is holding its 50th meeting. Afnic will be taking part in the event, which brings together sta...

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Afnic opts for ENTRECOM & DUFRESNE CORRIGAN SCARLETT to promote the .fr TLD

After a competitive-dialogue procurement procedure, the tandem of Entrecom and Dufresne Corrigan Sca...

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The .fr TLD to attend the 2014 Lyon Rhône-Alpes Trade Fair for Entrepreneurs

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Fidal conference on branding strategies on June, 10 2014 in Paris

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Maintenance of the Afnic's phone infrastructure

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Afnic welcomes to Paris their European counterparts from the CENTR

The representatives of 42 registries from all over Europe are meeting in Paris to strengthen their c...

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Conference on Digital Territories and the .bzh GeoTLD on 3 June at the Brest CCI

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An average worldwide renewal rate of 77.8% in 2013 for the main TLDs

The May edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names is devoted to the decisive factors affe...

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Dot Award 2014: Wins 3rd Prize in the Best Content Category

Various prizes were awarded to the winners of the international Dot Award 2014 contest, which recogn...

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Role of the US government in the Internet management: Afnic responds to ICANN

Afnic has responded to ICANN regarding the organization that will ultimately replace the US governme...

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Afnic welcomes the success of NETmundial

The Netmundial conference was held in São Paulo on 23 and 24 April.

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Growth of 8.8% for the global domain name market in 2013

Afnic has provided a quantitative overview of the global domain name market in 2013 against a backgr...

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New TLDs: the first Afnic customers are now in the root zone

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Issue Paper on Domain Names & SEO

What is the place of domain names in SEO today? Find out the answer in Afnic’s 13th issue paper....

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Afnic Scientific Council Open Day on 16 May 2014

Afnic is organizing its Scientific Council Open Day on 16 May 2014 in Paris, in partnership with the...

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Request for Comments for NETmundial Conference

The organizers of the NETmundial conference in São Paulo have invited users to provide input for th...

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2014 Dot Award Contest highlights the best sites under the .fr TLD

Afnic has announced the winning websites under the .fr TLD which will represent France at the Dot Aw...

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Afnic to Attend WorldHostingDays 2014

A major international event, the WorldHostingDays trade fair in Germany plays host to ICT profession...

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Afnic Re-Organization Effective as of March 31, 2014

The Registry’s new organization focuses on customer satisfaction and the development of new servic...

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What is the Average Age of a Domain Name Under the .fr TLD?

The .fr TLD is young: the average age of a domain name under the .fr TLD is 3.8 years, according to...